Near Eastern Deities

Near Eastern (Phoenician) god of agriculture.
Near Eastern goddess of the morning and evening stars, fate, and the planet venus.

Near Eastern (Sumerian) deification of heaven. Element is air.

"Lady Of The Mountain". Near Eastern (Syrian) goddess of the earth, grain, and sacrifice. She is often portrayed as a bloodthirsty maiden. The strength of life. Symbolizes element of earth and fertility.

Near Eastern (Syrian) mother goddess who symbolizes the moon, love, and fertility. She was most often portayed as half-woman and half-fish. Her sacred animals were the dove and fish.

"Lord of Incantations". Near Eastern (Babylonian) god of wisdom and magic. Invoke for fertility, manifestation magic.

Near Eastern (Sumerian) god of the earth and air. His gift to mankind was the pickaxe, which gave them the ability to build or destroy. He sent a flood that drowned the earth, and only king Ziusudra was warned in time to escape.

Near Eastern (Babylonian, Sumerian) goddess of the underworld and death.

The god Nergal once gained access to the underworld after being outcase by his fellow gods. He seized the terrible mistress Ereshkigal by the hair and threatened to kill her. She begged him to spare her life, promising that she would marry him, give him sovereignty of the underworld, and would also give him the tablets of wisdom. He accepted and was considered the consort of Ereshkigal from then on.

Near Eastern (Phoenecian) goddess of the underworld.

Near Eastern (Babylonian) god of arbitration, symbolizes the element of fire.

Near Eastern (Babylonian) god of pestilence, takes delight in destroying humans.

"Queen Moon". Near Eastern (Sumerian) queen of heaven. She ruled over the stars, planets, water, and light. Also symbolizes love, destruction of the indestuctable, health, the moon workings.

Near Eastern storm god. Air element, fertility.

"Highest of the immortals light,
God of gods by lofty might
He before whose prowess high
Tremble earth and upper sky
He is-- mortals, hear my verse--
Indra, lord of the universe!"
Near Eastern (Assyria). The goddess of venus is the Queen of Inanna, called Ishtar by the Babylonians. She is the goddess of sex and passion in love and war. She appeared as a beautiful lady in the company of lions. Her counterpart is the moon god Nanna. When they are in agreement, there is great mirth, happiness, and celebration. She will bestow a worthy bride upon any man who is deserving and makes a proper sacrifice. Her symbol is the eight or sixteen pointed star, and her sacred number is 15.

Praise the Goddess, most awesome
of the Goddesses, Let one revere the mistress of the
people, the greatest of the Gods.
Praise Ishtar, the most awesome of
the Goddesses,
Let one revere the Queen of Women,
the greatest of the Gods.

-Babylon text, circa 1600 BCE
Near Eastern (Babylonian) god of wisdom, speech, eloquence, and writing. Son of Marduk.

Near Eastern (Babylonian) god of the summer sun.

Near Eastern (Semetic) god of the underworld.

Near Eastern (Syrian) god of thunderbolts and lightning. Associated with prosperity and eternity.

Near Eastern (Babylonian-Assyrian) storm god. Also symbolizes the element air, love, fertility. Also known as Rammon, Rammanus, Adad.

Near Eastern (Babylonian-Assyrian) goddess of earth, the sweet waters, wisdom, and knowledge. Wife of Marduk, daughter of Ea.

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