Roman goddess of abundance and beauty.
Amor Roman goddess of abundance and beauty.
Roman god of love.
Roman goddess of secrecy. During the ancient times, names were considered very powerful, and often people's name and the names of communities were not real at all. It is because of this that it is considered likely that the cult of Angerona protected the secret name of Rome.
Roman goddess of the cycle of the year, harvest, commerce, markets, good crops.
Italian-Roman god of love and passion. He was, specifically, the god of mutual love and would punish those who did not return love.
A roman vegetation god.
Roman god of fertility, mirth, merriment, revelry, wine, wisdom, and inspiration.
Bacchus was born of Zeus and Semele's union against the will of Hera, Zeus' wife. When the jealous Hera learned of Semele's pregnancy by Zeus she angrily plotted against them. She disguised herself and came to Semele, telling her she should ask that Zeus appear before her in all his glory as the god of thunder. Zeus swore to grant whatever wish Semele might have. Forced to abide by his oath, he appeared to Semele as a display of lightening and thunder, which killed her. As Semele died, she gave birth to Bacchus, who died as well. Zeus restored life to him and sent the child to be raised by the nymphs, out of Hera's jealous eye.
As the god of spring, he is Bacchus is said to be in terrible pain during winter when the flowering plants and vines wither and die.
His followers were called bacchants. After reveling and overindulging in wine, they danced around in a craze often trampling and tearing people and animals to pieces. Bacchanalia was a festival held which involved excessive drinking and drunken orgies. Also known as Dionysus [Greek].
Blessed are the disciples who become prophets, the gnosticsBellona
who hold the holy wand of god.
Blessed are those who wear the ivy crown of the Conquering One--
Blessed, blessed are they,
Bacchus is our god!
-Bacchae Euripides, circa 400 BCE
Roman war goddess.
Bona Dea
Roman earth goddess of fertility. She was only worshipped by women; even statues of men were covered during her rites.
Roman Goddess of agriculture and fertility. See also Demeter.
Grant us the wisdom to see thy ways in all living things,Concordia
Grant us thy fruitful protection!
Grant us the power to heal the land,
Grant us thy fruitful protection!
O beautiful Ceres and Great Mother Isis are One!
Grant us thy fruitful protection!
-"Invokation to Ceres", Psyche in Apuleisus
Roman goddess of peace and harmony. The opposite of Discordia, the Roman goddess of strife.
The Roman god of love. See also Eros.
Roman goddess of discord and strife, known as Eris to the Greeks. The other gods employed her to stir up feuds and rivalry amongst men. Root of Erisian/Discordian beliefs. Mother of Enyo.
Roman and Italian god of woodlands. Symbolizes love. Also known as Pan [Greek].
Roman protector of freedom.
Roman goddess of faithfulness.
Roman goddess of blossoming and flowering plants. She is the wife of Zephyrus who gave her eternal youth. Also known as Chloris [Greek]
Roman goddess of bread baking.
Roman goddess who protected houses against lightning and terrible storms.
Roman goddess of robbers and thieves.
Roman god who protected people and households.
Three roman goddesses of loveliness and charm. They were supposed to be invited to every feast.
Greek god of the sun. His roman counterpart was Sol.
Roman god of doorways, exits, beginnings, and entrances. He was depicted as having two faces so as to see forward and behind simultaneously. The month "January" was named after him.
Italian-Roman sky god.
Roman goddess of the home and motherhood/women, wife of Jupiter. Watched and protected all women. Her festival is Matronalia, where people asked Juno to bless their marriages and provide a safe childbirth and a healthy newborn. Juno restores peace to quarreling lovers. Also symbolizes the moon, the moon, love, fertility. See also Hera.
Roman god of the sky and the father of all gods and men. He symbolizes the element air. Also known as Zeus [Greek]. See also Zeus.
Roman goddess of youth.
Roman god of the house, cheerful youth.
Roman god of wild nature, fertility, passionate lovemaking and wine. Also known as Libera. His counterparts are the Greek gods Dionysius and Bacchus. He symbolizes fertility and wild personalities.
Roman moon and calendar goddess. Also known as Lunah.
Roman god of war. Symbolizes protection, strength, health, energy. Also known as Ares [Greek].
Roman goddess of health and medicines. Possibly also spelled Meditrina.
Roman goddess of intelligence, knowledge, and judgement.
Roman god of communication and messages. Symbolizes the element of air, communication, health. See also Hermes.
Roman goddess of crafts and wisdom. See also Athena.
Roman god of sleep. The drug morphine is named after him.
Roman goddess of quiet and silence.
Roman goddess of funerals. Her name means "dirge".
Roman goddess of forgetfulness, daughter of Nox and Erubus.
Roman goddess of agriculture, harvest, fertility, abundance, childbirth, human growth, and prosperity. She is invoked by touching the earth. Wife of Saturn.
A Roman name for Hades. See also Hades.
Roman deity who was the guardian of flocks and sheep. Because the deity is worshipped as sometimes a god and sometimes a goddess, its true gender is unknown.
Roman goddess of health whose name means "heal-all". She is daughter of Aesculapius and sister of Hygeia.
Roman goddess of peace. See also Eirene.
Roman goddess of pietry, respect, honor, and duty to the gods. Her symbol and totem animal is the stork.
Roman goddess of grain. Her name means "mildew", and she was especially worshipped to protect the wheat crops from mildew during damp seasons.
Roman goddess of Rome itself.
Roman goddess of child and animal suckling.
Roman goddess of spring water. Called Amphitrite by the Greeks.
Roman god of agriculture and ruler of the golden age. Also known as Kronos, Chronos [Greek].
Roman goddess of the world, protector and developer of sown seeds.
Tellus Mater
Ancient Roman earth goddess.
Roman goddess of agriculture and leisure.
Roman goddess of beauty and love. See also Aphrodite.
Roman-Italian god of fruits.
"The Shining One", Roman goddess of the household, the hearth, and domestic matters. She was served by the Vestal Virgins. To be a Vestal virgin was a high honor offered only to those of nobility. Vestal Virgins were imposed with a strict vow of chastity. Should they lose their virginity and break this vow, they would be walled up alive. Only 20 incidents of this punishment actually occurring within over a thousand years were recorded.
Roman winged goddess of victory.
Roman deification of the virtues. Two temples were erected to the Virtus. The first was Virtue and the second was Honor. They were designed so that you had to first pass through Virtue before you could reach Honor. The pivotal virtues were prudence, temperament, justice, courage, mercy, health, tranquility, devotion, liberty, gaiety, honesty, and modesty.
Roman god of fire and the forge.
Greek-Roman god of the west winds, the most pleasant and favored of the winds. Symbolizes the element air. Also known as Zephyrs, Zephyr.
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