Tasseography- (tea leaf reading)

This is one of the easiest to learn of the Divinitory arts. For best results use loose China Tea, brewed in a pot without a strainer. The tea is poured into a cup without any pattern on the inside 9or you'll go cross-eyed). The subject of the divining should drink the tea but leave sufficient amount in the bottom of the cup to distribute the leaves around the inside (just a small splash left over so when the cup is swirled the tea leaves will adhere to the sides of the cup). They should also focus on the question they are seeking guidance from while drinking. Ask the subject to take hold of the handle of the cup and slowly - 3 times clockwise- rotate the cup (again focusing on the question) - allowing the remains of the tea to spread up the sides tot he rim of the cup. Then the subject should invert the cup completely on its saucer to get rid of the excess.

To interpret the signs requires an understanding of the following list. Also there is a time consideration..The rim of the cup (and close to it) represents the present through the next 2 or 3 weeks. As you move down the sides you are moving further into the future. Until you reach the very bottom of the cup and the very distant future. The handle (starting point) represents the subject - or its symbols represent things that will directly effect the subject. The exact opposite of the handle are symbols that may have a passing effect on the subject.

*If the symbols you can see clearly or really well - than the subject is lucky. The less defined mean they are less decisive and prone to hindrance.
*Shapes -
Stars: success;
Squares: protection;
Straight Lines: definite plans;
Wavy Lines: uncertainty;
Dotted Lines: a journey;
Numbers: indicate years, months, days, weeks, or hours {Usually in the upper 1/2 of the cup is in terms of hours or days, in the lower 1/2 is in terms of weeks, months, or years.}
The following list is the general interpretation of symbols found in tea leaves. BUT as with most divinitory techniques - rely on your Feeling from the shapes rather then any Set definitions.

Tea Leaf Symbols:

Anchor: end of a journey; safe landing; successful end to a business or personal affair; problems unexpectedly solved.

Arrow:disagreement; antagonism; instructions for a journey; a letter.

Bell: good news; a wedding

Bird: news - good or bad; possible journey; companionship

Boat: travel; end of a friendship

Bottle: celebration; success

Bridge: travel abroad; partnership; introduction to new friends or business

Broom: end of a problem; change of jobs; domesticity


Camel: long journey; temporary relocation

Car: local travel; introduction to new business associates

Candle: innovation; sudden new ideas
Castle: legacy; unexpected financial luck; good living

Cat: female friend; domestic problems

Chair: entertainment; relaxation

Church: marriage; serious illness (not death)

Clover: good fortune; unexpected success

Cross: hardship; discomfort; misfortune

Crown: honors; credit; promotion

Cup: love; close friendship; harmony

Dagger:danger; tragedy; business complications

Dog: friendship; companionship

Elephant: advice needed - preferably from an old friend

Fan: indiscretion; disloyalty; infidelity

Flag:defense necessary; warning

Flower: unhappy love affair

Gate: opportunity; possibility of advancement

Gun: trouble; argument; adultery

Hammer: hard work - which will be rewarded

Hand: friendship; help when needed; advice

Harp: contentment; ease

Heart: love or lover; confident

Horse: work

Horseshoes: good luck; start of a new successful enterprise

House: security; authority

Key: opportunity

Kite: exercise caution; think before acting

Knife: treachery; duplicity; misunderstanding

Ladder: advancement; opportunities taken

Man: stranger; visitor; help from an unexpected source

Mushroom: disturbance; complications in business

Palm Tree: a breathing-space; a rest period; temporary relief

Pipe (smokers): thought and concentration ahead; investigate all possibilities

Scissors: quarrel - usually domestic; double-dealing

Snake:an enemy; a personal hurt; a love affair

Tree: goal achieved; comfort; rest

Umbrella: temporary shelter

Wheel: advancement through effort; money

Windmill: big business dealings

(This list is built from Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft by Raymond Buckland)

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